Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#2 Don't conflict with pulse new defect critical server
#8 Add client scripts for the remctl package new enhancement minor remctl
#10 Package the web interface new enhancement major web
#11 Add video support new enhancement minor server
#26 Add content to the wiki new task minor web
#27 Documentation should have instructions for how to use client scripts new defect major client
#28 Client scripts should ratelimit new defect major client
#31 Playlist option for gbr new enhancement minor client
#37 Auto git pull script should be smarter new enhancement minor debian
#38 Queue should say "send bugs to" new defect minor queue
#40 gutenbach-server doesn't kill pulseaudio on installation new defect minor server
#6 Add client support for Windows assigned John-Nicholas Furst enhancement major client
#7 Gutenbach should not depend on Debathena assigned broglek defect critical server
#21 Write our own IPP server accepted jhamrick enhancement blocker server
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.