Custom Query (22 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 22)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#16 fixed Locker installation of perl is missing broglek jhamrick

If you have libnet-cups-perl installed on the machine you're running these commands on, then you're fine, but if you don't and try to use the locker version, then you'll get an error that you're missing RandomAccess?.pm:

ismith@new-downcase:~/Music/other/Owl City/Ocean Eyes$ gbr sipbmp3
01-Cave\ In.mp3 
Can't locate File/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1
/usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10
/usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at
/mit/gutenbach/arch/i386_deb50/perl/lib/perl5/Image/ line
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/mit/gutenbach/arch/i386_deb50/perl/lib/perl5/Image/ line
Compilation failed in require at
/mit/gutenbach/arch/i386_deb50/bin/gbr.real line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/mit/gutenbach/arch/i386_deb50/bin/gbr.real line 10.

We need to compile this module for i386 and amd64 on a Lucid machine and add it to the locker.

#17 fixed gbq tab formatting broglek mats_a

gbq seems to use tabs for formatting:

Job ID          Owner           File
5844            example         blah1
5845            example         blah2
5846            exemplar                blah3

probably should do something like:


columnWidths = [("Job ID",4), ("Owner",20), ("File",60)]f
function formatCell(text, width):
  return text + " "*(width-text.length)
#19 fixed Volume commands should use an identifiable scale (% or dB) broglek quentin

The scale of volume levels is currently sound-card dependent. ALSA supports both percentage and dB scales; we should use one of them instead.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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