Custom Query (22 matches)


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Results (16 - 18 of 22)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12 fixed Make youtube videos stream instead of downloading them broglek jhamrick

youtube_dl used to give us links that we could stream YouTube? videos from, but at some point the links became broken. We can still use youtube_dl to download videos, but that takes a long time depending on the video and is in general annoying. We need to figure out how to make it stream videos again.

#14 fixed gbrm should be able to accept multiple job names broglek jhamrick

You can currently only cancel a single job at a time, or /all/ jobs, which is not always very desirable. If you try to use regexes it errors out:

jhamrick@blueberry-meringue:~/media/music/Sublime/40 oz. to Freedom$ gbrm sipbmp3 576[5-9] Argument "576[5-9]" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at /mit/gutenbach/arch/i386_deb50/perl/lib/perl5/Net/CUPS/ line 1082. Argument "576[5-9]" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at /mit/gutenbach/arch/i386_deb50/perl/lib/perl5/Net/CUPS/ line 1047. Use of uninitialized value $title in concatenation (.) or string at /mit/gutenbach/arch/i386_deb50/bin/gbrm.real line 68. Canceled job (id 576[5-9])

If you try multiple jobs, it only cancels the first one:

jhamrick@blueberry-meringue:~/media/music/Sublime/40 oz. to Freedom$ gbrm sipbmp3 5765 5766 Canceled job '40oz. To Freedom - Sublime - 40 oz. to Freedom' (id 5765)

#15 fixed Client scripts should have a default queue broglek jhamrick

There should be a default gutenbach queue for the clients, e.g.:

gbr *.mp3

Should print to whatever the default queue is (say, sipbmp3). If someone wants to use a different queue, they can specify it:

gbr -Ppikamp3 *.mp3

There should be a utility in gutenbach-client-config to specify what the default printer is, e.g.:

gutenbach-client-config -D sipbmp3

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