Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Created
#2 Don't conflict with pulse new critical server 15 years
#7 Gutenbach should not depend on Debathena assigned broglek critical server 15 years
#20 Volume normalization new major client 15 years
#27 Documentation should have instructions for how to use client scripts new major client 14 years
#28 Client scripts should ratelimit new major client 14 years
#39 File misparsing new major server 14 years
#47 Volume not always 0 to 31 new major remctl 13 years
#48 YouTube playback code has bit rotted new major server 13 years
#33 The iTunes applescripts are sad new minor itunes 14 years
#34 gbq has bad performance new minor client 14 years
#38 Queue should say "send bugs to" new minor queue 14 years
#40 gutenbach-server doesn't kill pulseaudio on installation new minor server 14 years
#41 gbr: Sent job ' - - ' new minor client 14 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.