1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w |
2 | # |
3 | # Tests for the Net::Remctl API. This relies on being run as part of the |
4 | # larger remctl build tree and uses the built remctld for testing. |
5 | # |
6 | # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> |
7 | # Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 |
8 | # Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University |
9 | # |
10 | # See LICENSE for licensing terms. |
11 | |
12 | BEGIN { our $total = 30 } |
13 | use Test::More tests => $total; |
14 | |
15 | use Net::Remctl; |
16 | |
17 | # Returns the principal to use for authentication. |
18 | sub get_principal { |
19 | open (PRINC, 'data/test.principal') or return; |
20 | my $princ = <PRINC>; |
21 | close PRINC; |
22 | chomp $princ; |
23 | return $princ; |
24 | } |
25 | |
26 | # Do the bizarre dance to start a test version of remctld. |
27 | sub start_remctld { |
28 | unlink ('data/pid'); |
29 | my $princ = get_principal; |
30 | my $pid = fork; |
31 | if (not defined $pid) { |
32 | die "cannot fork: $!\n"; |
33 | } elsif ($pid == 0) { |
34 | chdir ('@abs_top_srcdir@/tests') |
35 | or die "can't chdir to @abs_top_srcdir@: $!\n"; |
36 | exec ('@abs_top_builddir@/server/remctld', '-m', '-p', '14373', |
37 | (defined ($princ) ? ('-s', $princ) : ()), |
38 | '-P', '@abs_top_builddir@/tests/data/pid', |
39 | '-f', 'data/conf-simple', |
40 | '-d', '-S', '-F', '-k', |
41 | '@abs_top_builddir@/tests/data/test.keytab') |
42 | or die "cannot exec @abs_top_builddir@/server/remctld: $!\n"; |
43 | } |
44 | } |
45 | |
46 | # Stop the running test remctld. |
47 | sub stop_remctld { |
48 | if (open (PID, 'data/pid')) { |
49 | my $pid = <PID>; |
50 | chomp $pid; |
51 | kill (15, $pid); |
52 | unlink ('data/pid'); |
53 | } |
54 | } |
55 | |
56 | # Obtain tickets, which requires iterating through several different possible |
57 | # ways of running kinit. |
58 | sub run_kinit { |
59 | $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'data/test.cache'; |
60 | my $princ = get_principal; |
61 | return unless $princ; |
62 | my @commands = ([ qw(kinit -k -t data/test.keytab), $princ ], |
63 | [ qw(kinit -t data/test.keytab), $princ ], |
64 | [ qw(kinit -k -K data/test.keytab), $princ ]); |
65 | my $status; |
66 | for (@commands) { |
67 | $status = system "@$_ > /dev/null < /dev/null"; |
68 | if ($status == 0) { |
69 | return 1; |
70 | } |
71 | } |
72 | warn "Unable to obtain Kerberos tickets\n"; |
73 | unless (-f 'data/pid') { |
74 | sleep 1; |
75 | } |
76 | stop_remctld; |
77 | return; |
78 | } |
79 | |
80 | # Test setup. |
81 | chdir '@abs_top_builddir@/tests'; |
82 | my $okay = (-f 'data/test.principal' && -f 'data/test.keytab'); |
83 | if ($okay) { |
84 | start_remctld; |
85 | $okay = run_kinit; |
86 | } |
87 | SKIP: { |
88 | skip "no Kerberos configuration", $total unless $okay; |
89 | |
90 | sleep 1 unless -f 'data/pid'; |
91 | die "remctld did not start" unless -f 'data/pid'; |
92 | |
93 | # Now we can finally run our tests. Basic interface, success. |
94 | my $principal = get_principal; |
95 | my $result = remctl ('localhost', 14373, $principal, 'test', 'test'); |
96 | isa_ok ($result, 'Net::Remctl::Result', 'Basic remctl return'); |
97 | is ($result->status, 0, '... exit status'); |
98 | is ($result->stdout, "hello world\n", '... stdout output'); |
99 | is ($result->stderr, undef, '... stderr output'); |
100 | is ($result->error, undef, '... error return'); |
101 | |
102 | # Basic interface, failure. |
103 | $result = remctl ('localhost', 14373, $principal, 'test', 'bad-command'); |
104 | isa_ok ($result, 'Net::Remctl::Result', 'Error remctl return'); |
105 | is ($result->status, 0, '... exit status'); |
106 | is ($result->stdout, undef, '... stdout output'); |
107 | is ($result->stderr, undef, '... stderr output'); |
108 | is ($result->error, 'Unknown command', '... error return'); |
109 | |
110 | # Complex interface, success. |
111 | my $remctl = Net::Remctl->new; |
112 | isa_ok ($remctl, 'Net::Remctl', 'Object'); |
113 | is ($remctl->error, 'no error', '... no error set'); |
114 | ok ($remctl->open ('localhost', 14373, $principal), 'Connect to server'); |
115 | is ($remctl->error, 'no error', '... no error set'); |
116 | ok ($remctl->command ('test', 'test'), 'Send successful command'); |
117 | is ($remctl->error, 'no error', '... no error set'); |
118 | my $output = $remctl->output; |
119 | isa_ok ($output, 'Net::Remctl::Output', 'Output token'); |
120 | is ($output->type, 'output', '... of type output'); |
121 | is ($output->length, 12, '... and length 12'); |
122 | is ($output->data, "hello world\n", '... with the right data'); |
123 | is ($output->stream, 1, '... and the right stream'); |
124 | $output = $remctl->output; |
125 | isa_ok ($output, 'Net::Remctl::Output', 'Second output token'); |
126 | is ($output->type, 'status', '... of type status'); |
127 | is ($output->status, 0, '... with status 0'); |
128 | |
129 | # Complex interface, failure. |
130 | ok ($remctl->command ('test', 'bad-command'), 'Send failing command'); |
131 | is ($remctl->error, 'no error', '... no error set'); |
132 | $output = $remctl->output; |
133 | isa_ok ($output, 'Net::Remctl::Output', 'Output token'); |
134 | is ($output->type, 'error', '... of type error'); |
135 | is ($output->data, 'Unknown command', '... with the error message'); |
136 | is ($output->error, 5, '... and the right code'); |
137 | } |
138 | |
139 | END { |
140 | stop_remctld; |
141 | } |