#!/usr/bin/env python # Adapted from the Quickprint IPP server code (http://quikprint.mit.edu) # Modifications and additions written by Jessica Hamrick (jhamrick@mit.edu) # Notes and Todo: # - make sure package creates gutenbach folder in /var/log import os, sys import cgi, cgitb import logging import MySQLdb import ipplib from ipplib import IPPRequest from tempfile import mkstemp from shutil import move from logging import debug, info, warning, error, critical # set up logging LOGFILE = "/var/log/gutenbach/ipp.log" logging.basicConfig(filename=LOGFILE, level=logging.DEBUG) cgitb.enable(logdir='/var/log/gutenbach/cgi.log') # make sure a temporary folder exists TEMPDIR = '/tmp/gutenbach/ipp' try: if not os.path.exists(TEMPDIR): info("Creating temporay directory '%s'" % TEMPDIR) os.makedirs(TEMPDIR) except e, Exception: error("Could not create temporary directory '%s'" % TEMPDIR) # print the content type for our request print "Content-type: application/ipp\n" class IPPServer(object): # nothing to do in the init def __init__(self): pass # this function processes an IPP request and sends a response def process(self, request_in, response_out): response = IPPRequest(version=request.version, operation_id=request.operation_id, request_id=request.request_id) #file('/mit/gutenbach/tmp/requests/'+str(request.operation_id)).write() handler = getattr(self, "_operation_%d" % request.operation_id, None) response._operation_attributes = [[]] response._operation_attributes[0] = filter( \ lambda x: x[0] in ('attributes-charset', 'attributes-natural-language', 'printer-uri'), request._operation_attributes[0]) # f = file('/tmp/gutenbach/ipp/printer2.log','a') # f.write("\n" + "*"*80 + "\n") # f.write(str(request)) if handler is not None: response.setOperationId(handler(request, response)) data_out = response.dump() response_out.write(data_out) response_test = IPPRequest(data=data_out) response_test.parse() # f.write("\n" + "-"*80 + "\n") # f.write(str(response_test)) # f.write("\n" + "*"*80 + "\n") # f.close() def _operation_2(self, request, response): """print-job response""" (fno, fname) = mkstemp(dir='/tmp/gutenbach/ipp') os.write(fno, request.data) os.close(fno) opattr = filter(lambda x: x[0] in ('job-name'), request._operation_attributes[0]) jname = 'unknown' if len(opattr) and opattr[0][0] == 'job-name': jname = opattr[0][1][0][1] jstat = os.stat(fname) jsize = jstat.st_size c = db.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO job (juser, jname, jfile, jsize, jtype) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", \ (AUTH, jname, fname, jsize, 'PostScript',)) jid = db.insert_id() jfile = '/mit/gutenbach/jobs/' + AUTH + '_' + str(jid) move(fname, jfile) c.execute("UPDATE job SET jfile=%s, dupdated=NOW() WHERE jid=%s", \ (jfile, str(jid),)) response._job_attributes = [[ \ ('job-id', [('integer', jid)]), \ ('printer-uri', [('uri', printer_uri)]), \ ('job-state', [('enum', ipplib.IPP_JOB_HELD)])]] return ipplib.IPP_OK def _operation_8(self, request, response): """delete-job response""" opattr = filter(lambda x: x[0] in ('job-id'), request._operation_attributes[0]) if len(opattr) and opattr[0][0] == 'job-id': jid = opattr[0][1][0][1] c = db.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE job SET jstate = 'DEL' WHERE juser = %s AND jid = %s", \ (AUTH, int(jid))) return ipplib.IPP_OK def _operation_9(self, request, response): """get-job-properties response""" opattr = filter(lambda x: x[0] in ('job-id'), request._operation_attributes[0]) if len(opattr) and opattr[0][0] == 'job-id': jid = opattr[0][1][0][1] response._job_attributes.append([ \ ('job-id', [('integer', jid)]), \ # ('job-name', [('nameWithoutLanguage', x[1])]), \ ('job-originating-user-name', [('nameWithoutLanguage', AUTH)]), \ # ('job-k-octets', [('integer', x[2]/1024)]), \ ('job-state', [('enum', ipplib.IPP_JOB_COMPLETE)]) ]) return ipplib.IPP_OK def _operation_10(self, request, response): """get-jobs response""" c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT jid, jname, jsize, jstate FROM job WHERE juser = %s AND jstate != %s ORDER BY dadded", \ (AUTH, 'DEL',)) response._job_attributes = [] for x in c.fetchall(): if x[3] == 'NEW': state = ipplib.IPP_JOB_HELD elif x[3] == 'DONE': state = ipplib.IPP_JOB_COMPLETE else: state = 0 response._job_attributes.append([ \ ('job-id', [('integer', x[0])]), \ ('job-name', [('nameWithoutLanguage', x[1])]), \ ('job-originating-user-name', [('nameWithoutLanguage', AUTH)]), \ ('job-k-octets', [('integer', x[2]/1024)]), \ ('job-state', [('enum', state)]) ]) return ipplib.IPP_OK def _operation_11(self, request, response): """get-printer-attributes response""" response._printer_attributes = \ [[('printer-name', [('nameWithoutLanguage', 'Gutenbach')])]] return ipplib.IPP_OK IPPServer().process(sys.stdin,sys.stdout)