from exceptions import InvalidJobException, InvalidPrinterStateException import os # initialize logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Job(object): # for IPP attributes = [ "job-id", "job-name", "job-originating-user-name", "job-k-octets", "job-state", "job-printer-uri" ] def __init__(self, document=None): """Initialize a Gutenbach job. This sets the status to 'initializing' and optionally sets the document to print to the value of document. """ self.jid = None = document self.status = None self.document = document self.printer = None def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return super(Job, self).__getattr__(attr) except AttributeError: pass return super(Job, self).__getattr__( attr.replace("-", "_")) def __hasattr__(self, attr): has = super(Job, self).__hasattr__(attr) if not has: has = super(Job, self).__hasattr__( attr.replace("-", "_")) return has #### Job attributes @property def job_id(self): return self.jid @property def job_name(self): return # XXX: we need to actually calculate this! @property def job_originating_user_name(self): return "jhamrick" # XXX: we need to actually calculate this! @property def job_k_octets(self): return "job-k-octets" @property def job_state(self): return self.status @property def job_printer_uri(self): return self.printer.uri def get_job_attributes(self, request): attributes = [(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in self.attributes] return attributes ####### def enqueue(self, printer, job_id): if self.status != None: raise InvalidJobException( "Cannot enqueue a job that has " + \ "already been initialized!") self.printer = printer self.jid = job_id self.status = const.JobStates.PENDING def play(self): if self.status != 'active': raise InvalidJobException( "Cannot play an inactive job!") self.status = const.JobStates.PROCESSING # TODO: add external call to music player print "Playing job %s" % str(self) self.printer.complete_job(self.jid) def finish(self): self.status = const.JobStates.COMPLETE def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return "" % \ (self.jid if self.jid is not None else -1, \ self.document)