__all__ = [ 'Misc', 'JobStates', 'PrinterStates', 'Operations', 'SuccessCodes', 'ClientErrorCodes', 'ServerErrorCodes', 'ErrorCodes', 'StatusCodes', 'CUPSPrinterType', 'AttributeTags', 'OutOfBandTags', 'IntegerTags', 'OctetStringTags', 'CharacterStringTags', 'operations_attribute_value_tags', 'job_attribute_value_tags', 'printer_attribute_value_tags', ] class Misc(): """Miscellaneous config options for the IPP server. """ IPP_VERSION = "1.1" IPP_PORT = 8000 def __init__(self): pass class JobStates(): """Job state codes, as defined by RFC 2911, Section 4.3.7 """ PENDING = 3 HELD = 4 PROCESSING = 5 STOPPED = 6 CANCELLED = 7 ABORTED = 8 COMPLETE = 9 def __init__(self): pass class PrinterStates(): """Printer state codes, as defined by RFC 2911, Section 4.4.11 """ IDLE = 3 PROCESSING = 4 STOPPED = 5 def __init__(self): pass class Operations(): """IPP and CUPS IPP Operations, as defined in various RFCs: 0x0002 - 0x0012 RFC 2911 (Section 4.4.15) 0x0013 - 0x0015 RFC 3380 (Section 4) 0x0016 - 0x001b RFC 3995 (Section 7.1) 0x0022 - 0x0031 RFC 3998 (Section 14.3) 0x4000 - 0x4027 CUPS IPP Actions """ # These are defined in RFC 2911, Section 4.4.15 PRINT_JOB = 0x0002 PRINT_URI = 0x0003 VALIDATE_JOB = 0x0004 CREATE_JOB = 0x0005 SEND_DOCUMENT = 0x0006 SEND_URI = 0x0007 CANCEL_JOB = 0x0008 GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES = 0x0009 GET_JOBS = 0x000a GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES = 0x000b #HOLD_JOB = 0x000c #RELEASE_JOB = 0x000d RESTART_JOB = 0x000e PAUSE_PRINTER = 0x0010 RESUME_PRINTER = 0x0011 #PURGE_JOBS = 0x0012 # These are defined in RFC 3380, Section 4 SET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES = 0x0013 SET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES = 0x0014 #GET_PRINTER_SUPPORTED_VALUES = 0x0015 # These are defined in RFC 3995, Section 7.1 #CREATE_PRINTER_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x0016 #CREATE_JOB_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x0017 #GET_SUBSCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTES = 0x0018 #GET_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 0x0019 #RENEW_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x001a #CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x001b # These are defined in RFC 3998, Section 14.3 #ENABLE_PRINTER = 0x0022 #DISABLE_PRINTER = 0x0023 #PAUSE_PRINTER_AFTER_CURRENT_JOB = 0x0024 #HOLD_NEW_JOBS = 0x0025 #RELEASE_HELD_NEW_JOBS = 0x0026 #DEACTIVATE_PRINTER = 0x0027 #ACTIVATE_PRINTER = 0x0028 #RESTART_PRINTER = 0x0029 #SHUTDOWN_PRINTER = 0x002a #STARTUP_PRINTER = 0x002b #REPROCESS_JOB = 0x002c #CANCEL_CURRENT_JOB = 0x002d #SUSPEND_CURRENT_JOB = 0x002e #RESUME_JOB = 0x002f PROMOTE_JOB = 0x0030 #SCHEDULE_JOB_AFTER = 0x0031 # These are special CUPS actions, defined in: # http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/spec-ipp.html #PRIVATE = 0x4000 CUPS_GET_DEFAULT = 0x4001 CUPS_GET_PRINTERS = 0x4002 #CUPS_ADD_PRINTER = 0x4003 #CUPS_DELETE_PRINTER = 0x4004 CUPS_GET_CLASSES = 0x4005 #CUPS_ADD_CLASS = 0x4006 #CUPS_DELETE_CLASS = 0x4007 #CUPS_ACCEPT_JOBS = 0x4008 #CUPS_REJECT_JOBS = 0x4009 #CUPS_SET_DEFAULT = 0x400a #CUPS_GET_DEVICES = 0x400b #CUPS_GET_PPDS = 0x400c #CUPS_MOVE_JOB = 0x400d #CUPS_AUTHENTICATE_JOB = 0x400e #CUPS_GET_PPD = 0x400f CUPS_GET_DOCUMENT = 0x4027 def __init__(self): pass class SuccessCodes(): """Success status codes as defined in RFC 2911, Section 13 """ OK = 0x0000 OK_SUBST = 0x0001 OK_CONFLICT = 0x0002 OK_IGNORED_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 0x0003 OK_IGNORED_NOTIFICATIONS = 0x0004 OK_TOO_MANY_EVENTS = 0x0005 OK_BUT_CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x0006 def __init__(self): pass class ClientErrorCodes(): """Client error codes as defined in RFC 2911, Section 13 """ BAD_REQUEST = 0x0400 FORBIDDEN = 0x0401 NOT_AUTHENTICATED = 0x0402 NOT_AUTHORIZED = 0x0403 NOT_POSSIBLE = 0x0404 TIMEOUT = 0x0405 NOT_FOUND = 0x0406 GONE = 0x0407 REQUEST_ENTITY = 0x0408 REQUEST_VALUE = 0x0409 DOCUMENT_FORMAT = 0x040a ATTRIBUTES = 0x040b URI_SCHEME = 0x040c CHARSET = 0x040d CONFLICT = 0x040e COMPRESSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x040f COMPRESSION_ERROR = 0x0410 DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR = 0x0411 DOCUMENT_ACCESS_ERROR = 0x0412 ATTRIBUTES_NOT_SETTABLE = 0x0413 IGNORED_ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 0x0414 TOO_MANY_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 0x0415 IGNORED_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS = 0x0416 PRINT_SUPPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 0x0417 def __init__(self): pass class ServerErrorCodes(): """Server error codes as defined in RFC 2911, Section 13 """ INTERNAL_ERROR = 0x0500 OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x0501 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 0x0502 VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x0503 DEVICE_ERROR = 0x0504 TEMPORARY_ERROR = 0x0505 NOT_ACCEPTING = 0x0506 PRINTER_BUSY = 0x0507 ERROR_JOB_CANCELLED = 0x0508 MULTIPLE_JOBS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x0509 PRINTER_IS_DEACTIVATED = 0x050a def __init__(self): pass class StatusCodes(SuccessCodes, ClientErrorCodes, ServerErrorCodes): pass class ErrorCodes(ClientErrorCodes, ServerErrorCodes): pass class CUPSPrinterType(): """Printer types as defined by cups_ptype_e in the CUPS API specification: http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/doc-1.3/api-cups.html#cups_ptype_e """ LOCAL = 0x000000 CLASS = 0x000001 REMOTE = 0x000002 BW = 0x000004 COLOR = 0x000008 DUPLEX = 0x000010 STAPLE = 0x000020 COPIES = 0x000040 COLLATE = 0x000080 PUNCH = 0x000100 COVER = 0x000200 BIND = 0x000400 SORT = 0x000800 SMALL = 0x001000 MEDIUM = 0x002000 LARGE = 0x004000 VARIABLE = 0x008000 IMPLICIT = 0x010000 DEFAULT = 0x020000 FAX = 0x040000 REJECTING = 0x080000 DELETE = 0x100000 NOT_SHARED = 0x200000 AUTHENTICATED = 0x400000 COMMANDS = 0x800000 OPTIONS = 0x00e6ff def __init__(self): pass class AttributeTags(): """Contains constants for the attribute IPP tags, as defined by RFC 2565. """ ZERO_NAME_LENGTH = 0x00 OPERATION = 0x01 JOB = 0x02 END = 0x03 PRINTER = 0x04 UNSUPPORTED = 0x05 SUBSCRIPTION = 0x06 EVENT_NOTIFICATION = 0x07 def __init__(self): pass class OutOfBandTags(): """Contains constants for the out-of-band value IPP tags, as defined by RFC 2565. """ UNSUPPORTED = 0x10 DEFAULT = 0x11 UNKNOWN = 0x12 NO_VALUE = 0x13 NOT_SETTABLE = 0x15 DELETE_ATTRIBUTE = 0x16 ADMIN_DEFINE = 0x17 def __init__(self): pass class IntegerTags(): """Contains constants for the integer value IPP tags, as defined by RFC 2565. """ GENERIC = 0x20 INTEGER = 0x21 BOOLEAN = 0x22 ENUM = 0x23 def __init__(self): pass class OctetStringTags(): """Contains constants for the octetString value IPP tags, as defined by RFC 2565. """ UNSPECIFIED_OCTETSTRING = 0x30 DATETIME = 0x31 RESOLUTION = 0x32 RANGE_OF_INTEGER = 0x33 BEG_COLLECTION = 0x34 TEXT_WITH_LANGUAGE = 0x35 NAME_WITH_LANGUAGE = 0x36 END_COLLECTION = 0x37 def __init__(self): pass class CharacterStringTags(): """Contains constants for the character-string value IPP tags, as defined by RFC 2565. """ GENERIC = 0x40 TEXT_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE = 0x41 NAME_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE = 0x42 KEYWORD = 0x44 URI = 0x45 URI_SCHEME = 0x46 CHARSET = 0x47 NATURAL_LANGUAGE = 0x48 MIME_MEDIA_TYPE = 0x49 MEMBER_ATTR_NAME = 0x4a operations_attribute_value_tags = { 'attributes-charset': CharacterStringTags.CHARSET, 'attributes-natural-language': CharacterStringTags.NATURAL_LANGUAGE, 'printer-uri': CharacterStringTags.URI, 'requesting-user-name': CharacterStringTags.NAME_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE } job_attribute_value_tags = { 'job-id': IntegerTags.INTEGER, 'job-name': CharacterStringTags.NAME_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE, 'job-originating-user-name': CharacterStringTags.NAME_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE, 'job-k-octets': IntegerTags.INTEGER, 'job-state': IntegerTags.ENUM, 'job-printer-uri': CharacterStringTags.URI } printer_attribute_value_tags = { "printer-uri-supported": CharacterStringTags.URI, "uri-authentication-supported": CharacterStringTags.KEYWORD, "uri-security-supported": CharacterStringTags.KEYWORD, "printer-name": CharacterStringTags.NAME_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE, "printer-state": IntegerTags.ENUM, "printer-state-reasons": CharacterStringTags.KEYWORD, "ipp-versions-supported": CharacterStringTags.KEYWORD, "operations-supported": IntegerTags.ENUM, "charset-configured": CharacterStringTags.CHARSET, "charset-supported": CharacterStringTags.CHARSET, "natural-language-configured": CharacterStringTags.NATURAL_LANGUAGE, "generated-natural-language-supported": CharacterStringTags.NATURAL_LANGUAGE, "document-format-default": CharacterStringTags.MIME_MEDIA_TYPE, "document-format-supported": CharacterStringTags.MIME_MEDIA_TYPE, "printer-is-accepting-jobs": IntegerTags.BOOLEAN, "queued-job-count": IntegerTags.INTEGER, "pdl-override-supported": CharacterStringTags.KEYWORD, "printer-up-time": IntegerTags.INTEGER, "compression-supported": CharacterStringTags.KEYWORD, "multiple-operation-time-out": IntegerTags.INTEGER, "multiple-document-jobs-supported": IntegerTags.BOOLEAN }