#!/bin/sh # Set the CUPS permissions such that anyone can add/remove jobs # from the queue for gutenbach. if [ -e /usr/lib/gutenbach/config/printername ]; then printername="$(cat /usr/lib/gutenbach/config/printername)" conffile="/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" mv "$conffile" "$conffile.bak" touch "$conffile" while read line; do listen_localhost=$(echo "$line" | grep '^Listen localhost' || true) if [ -n "$listen_localhost" ]; then echo "#GUTENBACH$line" >> "$conffile" else echo "$line" >> "$conffile" fi done < "$conffile.bak" rm "$conffile.bak" cat >> "$conffile" < Order deny,allow Allow from All Order Deny, Allow Allow from All # End configurations for gutenbach EOF /etc/init.d/cups reload else echo "Error: /usr/lib/gutenbach/config/printername does not exist" exit 1 fi