#!/usr/bin/perl # This script was largely written by Jessica Hamrick (jhamrick), with # help from Kyle Brogle (broglek) use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; # the usage for the program my $usage = < \$list, 's|set-default=s' => \$default, 'a|add=s' => \$add, 'd|delete=s' => \$delete, 'h|host=s' => \$host); # set the path where the configuration files live my $configpath = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.gutenbach"; # if the configuration path doens't exist, then make it if (! -e $configpath) { mkdir "$configpath"; } # if the 'default' option was specified, then set given queue to # default if($default and !$add and !$delete and !$list) { # if the specified queue doesn't exist, then throw an error unless(-e "$configpath/$default") { print "Error: queue '$default' doesn't exist yet...you should add it first.\n"; exit 1; } # if there already exists a default, then remove it so we can # replace it with the new default if( -e "$configpath/DEFAULT"){ unlink("$configpath/DEFAULT") or die "Couldn't remove config file '$configpath/DEFAULT'"; } # check to make sure we can create symlinks my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink("",""); 1 }; # if so, then create the symlink and report it if ($symlink_exists){ symlink("$configpath/$default","$configpath/DEFAULT"); print "Changed default queue to $default.\n"; } # otherwise, throw an error else { print "Error creating symlink to $configpath/$default"; exit 1; } } # if the 'list' option was specified, then list the existing queues elsif ($list and !$add and !$delete and !$default) { # get the config files in the configuration path -- these are the queues my @queues = glob("$configpath/*") or die "Couldn't find configuration files at '$configpath'"; # for each of the queues, load the configuration file and print # the queue name and the host it's on print "Queue\t\tHost\n"; foreach my $q (@queues) { my ($host, $queue); if (-r $q) { local $/; my $fh; open $fh, $q; eval <$fh>; } print "$queue\t\t$host\n"; } } # if the 'add' option was specified, then add a new queue elsif (!$list and $add and !$delete) { # make sure there was a host specified as well (otherwise, we # won't know where to print to) if (!$host) { print $usage; exit 1; } # if the queue already exists, then print a warning if (-e "$configpath/$add") { print "Warning: queue '$add' already exists\n"; } # create the configuration file open CONFIG, "> $configpath/$add" or die "Couldn't open config file '$configpath/$add'"; print CONFIG "\$host = \"$host\";\n"; print CONFIG "\$queue = \"$add\";\n"; close CONFIG; print "Added queue '$add' on host '$host'\n" } # if the 'delete' option was specified, then delete an existing queue elsif (!$list and !$add and $delete) { # if the queue doesn't exist, then print an error and exit if (! -e "$configpath/$delete") { print "Error: queue '$delete' does not exist\n"; exit 1; } # otherwise, remove the configuration file unlink("$configpath/$delete") or die "Couldn't remove config file '$configpath/$delete'"; } # otherwise, it's an unrecognized option, so print the usage and exit else { print $usage; exit 1; }